🗳️ New Policy Kit: Voting Modernization

🗳️ New Policy Kit: Voting Modernization

Today, DPN has released our Voting Modernization policy kit, an open resource for legislators, advocates, journalists, and citizens to learn how states can modernize election infrastructure and processes to expand voting rights, access, and participation. The kit was organized by Anna Seigel, Chuck Park, Giovanna Antoniazzi, and Jake Indursky.

In this kit, explore 33 different ways states can modernize voting processes, including:

  • Implementing automatic and same-day voter registration,
  • Expanding early voting and vote-by-mail opportunities
  • Transitioning from a single-location voting model to a multi-location "vote center" models
  • Creating post-election audit protocols
  • Establishing Election Day holidays
  • Expanding the pool of poll works
  • Creating incentives for voting
  • And more!

If you are a legislator, activist, expert, or journalist looking to help promote this policy in your state, check out (and share) our kit — and please get in touch!